Wednesday, 12 February 2014

hello and welcome to my blog, pretty vacant. i've never been very good at introducing or telling people about myself, so i’m going to start off with the 5 W's. 

who? my name is kristianna williams. i'm 22 years old, from the isle of wight, in the united kingdom.
what? this blog is just something for my to do on my days off, or in the evenings when i've finished work. instead of just sitting around watching tv and eating.. this just seems a bit more creative, right? i have quite a keen interest in fashion (and i quite like photography too) so outfit posts are probably going to be what this blog will consist of. with the odd personal/lifestyle post thrown in here and there (if i actually go out and do anything exciting enough to share..).
when? err, today?
where? isle of wight, england, united kingdom. it's a small island in the south east of england, and it's absolutely beautiful.
why? to cure boredom. and also because i just want to be a part of some kind of community (n'aww), i see a lot of bloggers that have made friends due to doing this and it just seems like a nice thing to be a part of :)

(5 W's stolen from LLYMLRS' blog)


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